Amy Chow ─ Dedicated leader expertly driving strategy, field, and channel sales for Hong Kong and Macau…

June 22, 2022 • 3 Minute Read

Amy Chow

Country Manager,
Hong Kong & Macau
Check Point Software Technologies

Are you looking for a dedicated leader who is expertly driving strategy, field, and channel sales? We know the person—Amy Chow!

Amy Chow is the Country Manager, Hong Kong and Macau for Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. She is responsible for leading the overall strategy, field sales and channel sales within these markets. With more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry, she also uses her extensive knowledge to help companies understand and manage the cyber threats in their business. Amy is dedicated to contributing her expertise and experience to the IT community, and when she is not working you can find her outdoors golfing, skiing, and cycling.

Please meet this IT Wondrous Woman™, Amy Chow!

Our 10 Questions for this IT Wondrous Woman.

Fun Facts

1. What’s the one thing about you that your business colleagues don’t know about you?
My major at university was Environment Science.

2. Before the pandemic, how many air miles/KMs did you flying annually?
I love to travel a lot. I flew two times every quarter within the Asia Pacific region just for fun and relaxation, and I love Japan the most.

3. What is the most adventurous food you have eaten and what city/location did you eat it?
I enjoy drinking more than eating, and I love drinking wine. When I first visited Tel Aviv, where Check Point’s headquarters is located, I was totally impressed by their wines as I did not expect Israel to have so many well rounded red wines with the taste of fruity, pepper, medium tanning, heavy body.

Your Career

4. What are the top two experiences, achievements or failures that shaped your journey as a successful leader?

  • I started my career as an Account Manager, and in 2012, I was promoted to Head of Major Accounts Sales. This was my first time being a real manager, and a people manager.
  • 2018 was another key turning point for me as I was promoted to Country Manager at Check Point. However, that was also the toughest moment I faced, as all leaders in the management team left the company within a short period of time. I was wearing multiple hats at one time as country manager, head of channel, and head of Major Account so as to re-build the whole team.

5. Did you have a mentor in the early part of your career and, if so, what is the biggest lesson you learned from your mentor or influencer?
I think I am a very lucky person where I have very good managers throughout my career. Each of them coached me through different things in my different roles. Most importantly, they all helped to shape me to always have a positive mind and keep fighting.

Walking In Your Shoes

6. What is one piece of business or career advice you would give to your younger self?
Never give up, keep learning on emerging matters/technology.

7. As a leader, how do you remain a resource for people early in their careers?
Give advice and directions to them. At the same time, to reserve room for their own self- development.

Today’s Business Environment

8. What is the most interesting project you have worked on in the last few years?
I am fan of emerging technologies and always love to challenge myself. Because of that, whenever my company was launching new solution, my team was always the first one to sell and deploy it, and that’s make me feel so satisfied.

9. What skills are you currently developing or refining (in yourself) that will make you a more successful leader in the digital economy?
I love to learn new things, and that’s why the current hottest topics like IoT, NFT and block chain all arouse my interests.

10. What is your greatest business challenge today?
Retain talent.

Engage with Amy Chow and Check Point Software Technologies!

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