Global Touch Partner Profitability Calculator®
If your leadership strives for a predictable partner pipeline, then driving partner profitability should be the #1 objective and foundation of every partner and RTM investment. Net net: Partner profitability is the ultimate driver for an IT company’s growth.
Partners prioritize IT companies that create sustainable profitability opportunities for their businesses. They invest in those IT companies’ product roadmaps and proactively participate in their readiness programs. Unfortunately, most partners suffer from profit underperformance leaving IT companies with a sliver of their partners’ revenue potential. For the majority of IT companies, this is their #1 problem and they don’t know it or they don’t understand why it is happening and how to fix it.
Built from years of in-the-field data across thousands of global partners, the Global Touch Partner Profitability Calculator ® provides IT companies with a snapshot of their partner programs and investment profitability impact in less than 5 minutes. It will help you discover how your company stacks up, with additional resources provided in Global Touch’s white paper, “Unleash Your Partner Ecosystem Success” tailored to your profitability success rating.
Global Touch knows how to create game changer moves through investing in the moment to leverage the future. We look forward to helping you discover these opportunities. Get started now!