Global Touch launches “IT Wondrous Women™” blog series to recognize the best and brightest Women in the IT Industry.

October 21, 2020 • 2 Minute Read


Today is a Wondrous Day!

I am delighted to introduce Global Touch’s blog series IT Wondrous Women™. This blog series will showcase women in the technology industry from around the world in partner ecosystems, sales, marketing, technology, product management and more. 

Each week we will shine a spotlight on women who are driving influence, power, and success in the IT industry or have roots in the technology world.  While some of these IT Wondrous Women are well known in the IT industry, others are quietly driving success or have moved to customer or non-profit roles.  All of these IT Wondrous Women are moving the needle, deserving of recognition, and inspiring those who will stand on their shoulders.

Our initial group of IT Wondrous Women are:

  • Claudia Romanini-Backus, Head of Enterprise & Productivity Partnerships at Facebook Reality Lab

  • Wendy Bahr, Chief Commercial Officer at Rubrik, Inc.

  • Deborah Bannworth, Sr. Vice President, Partner Alliances, Inside Sales, Maintenance Sales & Services at Sirius Computer Solutions

  • Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, President & CEO at U.S. Vote Foundation and the Overseas Vote Initiative

  • Juliana Vida, Chief Technical Advisor (Public Sector) at Splunk Inc.

All of our IT Wondrous Women are answering the same set of questions, which provide a glimpse into their careers and backgrounds.

Yes, today is a Wondrous Day!  Congratulations to these IT Wondrous Women!

Denise Sangster
President & CEO
Global Touch, Inc.

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To view other fabulous women included in Global Touch's IT Wondrous Women blog series, please click here.