Global Touch's blog unleashes the power of partner ecosystems and the people energizing it.

October 19, 2020 • 1 Minute Read

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Tomorrow it's finally here!

I am excited to introduce the new Global Touch blog! It will focus on unleashing the power of partner ecosystems.

With partners generating a substantial percentage of revenue for most IT companies, partner ecosystems are the sweet spot for predictable revenues and growth. Mark my words, they have never been more important.

Our company's mission is to:

  • Inform, excite and transform IT companies' leverage of partners

  • Create predictable revenue and growth through partner ecosystems

  • Accelerating the new Partner Profit Journey™ to align with and energize the Customer Lifecycle Journey™.

Our blog is designed to support our vision and provide our clients, industry peers and future IT leaders with thought leadership based on data and best of class resources, which will be delivered in three streams of focus:

  • Profiles of top technology women (“IT Wondrous Women™”) around the world;

  • What to embrace for the future (“Future Proofing”); and

  • Global Touch commentary (“Sangsterizing™”).

I hope (and expect) our posts will keep you awake, thinking, re-evaluating your priorities and investments, and inspire a smile every now and then. And, of course, I hope you will return to read more and contribute to the dialogue through the comments.

We have an ambitious agenda. But no matter the topic we cover, we want to help your business stay a step ahead of changing market dynamics and responsive to your needs, interests, decision dilemmas, and investment trade-offs. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, leave a message in the “Blog Comment” section (below), or email us at Global Touch. All feedback and suggestions are welcome!

I look forward to hearing from you.

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