Samara Halterman ─ Bold and dynamic marketing leader whose passion, creativity, and drive for excellence are trademarks of her value and success…

June 15, 2022 • 3 Minute Read

Samara Halterman

Global Head of
Partner Marketing
Pure Storage

Are you looking for a bold and dynamic senior marketing leader whose passion, creativity, and drive for excellence are trademarks of her value and success? We know the person – Samara Halterman!

Samara is the Global Head of Partner Marketing at Pure Storage. Her span of responsibility includes strategic partner and alliance marketing, operational excellence, global community engagement with key leaders from partners across all routes to so much more. A bold and dynamic senior leader with nearly two decades of experience and expertise, her passion and commitment to exceptional performance are the hallmarks of her success. This California native loves to lean in to help others around her be wildly successful.

Please meet this IT Wondrous Woman™, Samara Halterman!

Our 10 Questions for this IT Wondrous Woman.

Fun Facts

1. What’s the one thing about you that your business colleagues don’t know about you?
That I am a natural blonde!

2. Before the pandemic, how many air miles/KMs did you flying annually?
Not nearly enough…traveling is one of my only real “hobbies” which is such a luxury to be able to say!

3. What is the most adventurous food you have eaten and what city/location did you eat it?
I am always impressed by how adventurous some people are but I can say that I have had crickets in Cambodia, rattlesnake in Austin and turtle soup in New Orleans.

Your Career

4. What are the top two experiences, achievements or failures that shaped your journey as a successful leader?
Many times, successful individual contributors are promoted into leadership roles with little to no training. I knew that I wanted to lead teams and “raise those up around me” but had no clue where to start. I failed, many times. I disappointed people - myself included. And then, finally, I was able to build a team that supported each other, believed in the mission and I understood what it really meant to be a leader and how to replicate this going forward.

5. Did you have a mentor in the early part of your career and, if so, what is the biggest lesson you learned from your mentor or influencer?
Yes, I have been incredibly lucky to have many mentors in my career and continue to seek them out as I believe that we must continually seek people who will hold you accountable. I have learned so many lessons, but one that sticks out from a peer in reference to presenting to an e-staff audience, he advised, “be bold, be brief, be gone”. Brilliant and tangible advice.

Walking In Your Shoes

6. What is one piece of business or career advice you would give to your younger self?
Don’t strive to be perfect. Work to be exceptional in anything you do and get it done!

7. As a leader, how do you remain a resource for people early in their careers?
At Pure Storage, we have a wonderful mentor program that I was thrilled to participate in and was connected with two young women early in their career. It’s absolutely delightful to relish in their accomplishments - I am so impressed with how they are leveraging the resources, mentorships and sponsorships around them!

Today’s Business Environment

8. What is the most interesting project you have worked on in the last few years?
Relaunching an established brand and making the early shift to digital marketing.

9. What skills are you currently developing or refining (in yourself) that will make you a more successful leader in the digital economy?
Working in a global position means I need to be mindful of how the world outside of the USA operates. It’s not all about one language, one time zone, or one touch point.

10. What is your greatest business challenge today?
Having enough time each day to get everything done

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