8 Business Lessons from 2021 to Carry Into 2022 and Beyond…

January 28, 2022 • 2 Minute Read

January 2022 is almost gone, and I want to take a moment to reflect on 2021.  Something that feels especially poignant about the end of 2021 is the reality that 2021 was supposed to be a lot better.  I loved this optimism and also its naïveté. 

There are 8 lessons that I take away from 2021 that touch on the pandemic, innovation, values, actions, change, readiness, grit, and gratitude. In many ways, 2021 was the most transformative year of my professional life, and I look forward to see what’s ahead or thrown at us in 2022.  #Sangsterizing #LessonsFor2022 #Performing&Transforming

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