Vikki Mitchell ─ Partner leader expertly merging the physical and digital worlds for the best business outcomes…

June 29, 2022 • 3 Minute Read

Vikki Mitchell

Senior Global Partner Manager
World Wide Technology

Are you looking for a partner leader who uses her depth of skills to expertly merge the physical and digital worlds for the best business outcomes? We know the person—Vikki Mitchell!

Vikki Mitchell is the Senior Global Partner Manager for World Wide Technology (WWT) EMEA, where she is responsible for WWT’s growth and performance. She develops unique go to markets and strong, profitable EMEA partnerships by taking partner objectives and mapping them to WWT’s objectives. A motivated and driven individual, Vikki expertly delivers strategy and execution, syncs business and technology, and merges the physical and digital worlds to bring about the best business outcomes. Vikki is known for her outstanding work ethic and commitment to success.

Please meet this IT Wondrous Woman™, Vikki Mitchell!

Our 10 Questions for this IT Wondrous Woman.

Fun Facts

1. What’s the one thing about you that your business colleagues don’t know about you?
I have dual citizenship, I’m a British and Australian citizen. My dad was born in Australia, so I applied just before the cut-off age with the intention of travelling in the future. To date I’ve never made it, but it’s on my bucket list!

2. Before the pandemic, how many air miles/KMs did you flying annually?
Pre-pandemic I was a certified British Airways silver frequent flyer. Travel was around 25% of my month, which I really enjoyed. I love taking in new cities, and I’m ready to start travelling again.

3. What is the most adventurous food you have eaten and what city/location did you eat it?
I did try some alligator nuggets in Orlando about 15 years ago. Just like everyone says, alligator tastes just like chicken!

Your Career

4. What are the top two experiences, achievements or failures that shaped your journey as a successful leader?
Some of the things that I would consider a big achievement would probably seem very small to others. For example, I’m not the most confident presenter so speaking to a group can still sometimes feel like an achievement. It’s important to not let achievements go to your head and likewise let failures keep you down.

5. Did you have a mentor in the early part of your career and, if so, what is the biggest lesson you learned from your mentor or influencer?
I’ve been lucky enough to work with some great people who have guided me through situations and supported my growth and development. The top lesson has been to never underestimate the power of networking and building your personal brand. More recently, I participated in a women’s IT leadership course called “Bridge the Gap.” In this course, I learned about my strengths and weaknesses, how to be confident with my abilities and to calm my inner saboteurs, something which was really holding me back.

Walking In Your Shoes

6. What is one piece of business or career advice you would give to your younger self?
The most important piece of advice I have is to believe in yourself, and I can’t say that enough. Challenge yourself, you won’t find growth within your comfort zone. And, most importantly, to be authentically you.

7. As a leader, how do you remain a resource for people early in their careers?
I believe that everyone who has been in the industry for some time has a duty to be approachable, guide and listen to those early in their career. At WWT, we have a great deal of new talent, and it’s great that senior leadership is onboard with hearing new ideas and suggestions from everyone.

Today’s Business Environment

8. What is the most interesting project you have worked on in the last few years?
The most interesting project has been Cisco’s Strategic Growth Investment program to grow and support our business in the region. It’s been an eye-opening experience to understand all the elements that make our partnership successful and what we need to consider in the future to continue our joint growth.

9. What skills are you currently developing or refining (in yourself) that will make you a more successful leader in the digital economy?
To me, self-development is important! A few include: how I communicate internally and externally; understanding technology now and for the future; and the movements of our partners and what that means for our business and our customers. I also want to understand more about people, their backgrounds, beliefs, cultures and how to be more inclusive.

10. What is your greatest business challenge today?
The pandemic’s impact on our ability to meet face-to-face and network. As a team, it’s important to be able to feel the energy in the room, and with our partners, it’s essential to building strong relationships.

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