Catherine Heilemann ─ the ultimate executive coach…

March 30, 2021 • 3 Minute Read

Catherine Heilemann

Director & Master Coach
The Salary Coach

Are you looking for an executive coach who works across boards, c-suite, and senior leaders? We know the person—Catherine Heilemann!

Catherine brings 30 years of experience as one of Australia’s top executive coaches. Her coaching clients include board members, CEOs, C suite, and senior leaders. Her pragmatic, strategic, calm approach helps her clients gain clarity and insight, which in turn leads to improved outcomes for themselves and their organisations. In her engagements, she focuses on finding the right balance between the desire for change and the practicalities of implementing it for both an individual and workforce.

Please meet this IT Wondrous Woman, Catherine Heilemann!

Our 10 Questions for this IT Wondrous Woman.

Fun Facts

1. What’s the one thing about you that your business colleagues don’t know about you?
Rafting down the Colorado River on a hand-hewn Dory boat. As we tail-walked through a famous rapid (Lava), I was submerged and blowing bubbles. The water was running high, one raft flipped ahead of us, another lost their guide. I think I may have kissed the ground when I got off that terror ride. That was the tip of my fear and challenge limits.

2. Before the pandemic, how many air miles/KMs did you flying annually?
With my years at IBM and pioneering virtual teams some 20 years ago across the Asia Pacific region, I am extremely comfortable working remotely. My air miles/KMs have been next to zero and I have clients far and wide.

3. What is the most adventurous food you have eaten and what city/location did you eat it?
Kina. That’s Maori for sea urchin. A spiky crustacean found in New Zealand. I can’t say I enjoyed it. Its rich and sea-like in flavour.

Your Career

4. What are the top two experiences, achievements or failures that shaped your journey as a successful leader?

  • During my time with IBM, I invented a big data methodology for measuring workforce performance; a first and available on-demand. I learnt an enormous amount and am so proud of my achievements.

  • Experiencing redundancy at 50. An hour after delivering the biggest initiative for HR (on time with extras) I was received the news. A life-shaping moment. I learnt about the strength of my network, good leadership amongst others. My business, The Salary Coach is the result and I LOVE this work!

5. Did you have a mentor in the early part of your career and, if so, what is the biggest lesson you learned from your mentor or influencer?
Coming from small town New Zealand, I used to watch my Dad problem solve with his tools. We had one of those old radios with loose connections that crackled when turning on and off. Out came the screwdriver to see if I could fix it. Dad taught me to problem solve, think it through and work out how to ‘fix’ it. Those skills are with me today.

Walking In Your Shoes

6. What is one piece of business or career advice you would give to your younger self?
Have a plan. Work out what you want, if you can’t work that out, work out what you like. Make your choices from there.

7. As a leader, how do you remain a resource for people early in their careers?
In additional to our executive work, I run sessions for early career people. Recently I ran one for The Australian Water Association on the importance of understanding and knowing your value. I also offer insights through blog posts, articles, and actively build my network.

Today’s Business Environment

8. What is the most interesting project you have worked on in the last few years?
A culture change program. I learnt how they create community, support one another, build expertise, and keep a million people moving every day.

9. What skills are you currently developing or refining (in yourself) that will make you a more successful leader in the digital economy?
Online facilitation of groups! Being able to gain and hold the attention of people virtually is a tough gig.

10. What is your greatest business challenge today?
Building my business. Growth is important. Balancing marketing, serving my clients (coaching and facilitating), business development, administration, finance… There is a reason they are separate in large organisations! How much is too much of anything?

Engage with Catherine Heilemann and The Salary Coach!

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