IT Wondrous Women™ recaps 36 game-changing, innovative, and transformational leaders featured in CQ1:21.

April 7, 2021 • 2 Minute Read

As Women’s History Month (March 2021) closed, we look back at the CQ1:21 game-changing and inspiring leaders highlighted in IT Wondrous Women blog series. We revisit some of the highlights and insights that propel their success, innovation and transformational leadership.

CQ1:21 game-changing IT Wondrous Women™ participants share 3 qualities:

  • They are moving the needle with disruptive innovation.

  • They are redefining success.

  • They are inspiring those who will stand on their shoulders in the future.

Some of these thirty six women are well known in the IT industry, while others are quietly driving success or have moved to corporate customer or non-profit roles. These global leaders are located in Australia, Canada, France, Singapore, United Kingdom, and the United States.

All of these power house women answered the same set of questions, which provides a glimpse into their careers and backgrounds and, more importantly, what makes them such Wondrous Leaders™.

Some of our favorite “soundbytes” from their blog profiles are:

  • "Don’t take criticism to heart, and always play to your strengths."

  • “Seize the opportunity when it is given to you. No one is ever ready to take on a new or bigger role, but the fact that you have been approached means someone saw the potential in you."

  • "There will be lows where you will feel defeated and frustrated and there will be great highs where you are celebrating wins. Keep in mind that over time, all the losses / lows will get balanced out by the highs."

We learned from their greatest successes and failures, and what they would tell their younger selves if they could do it all again. While there is no shortage of challenges driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, all of these women are “leaning in” and creating opportunities that showcase their adaptable and unique talents.

In case you missed reading any spotlights from our CQ1:21 IT Wondrous Women blog series, please check them out by clicking on their links:

About IT Wondrous Women blog series.

The IT Wondrous Women blog series showcases top and emerging technology industry leaders from around the world, all of whom are women! Some of these women are well known in the IT industry while others have “roots” in the technology market with roles in corporate customers or non-profit organizations. Each has the same thing in common: they are driving game-changing success.

Each of these women are expanding the future of the IT industry and opportunities for women through their prowess, intelligence, and impact. They are also inspiring those who will stand on their shoulders.

All participants in this blog series answer the same set of questions, which provides a glimpse into their careers and backgrounds and, more importantly, what makes them such wondrous and inspirational leaders!

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